Every day our knowledge of our universe is expanding and with it old theories are being overturned, but Panspermia (the theory that life on earth was seeded from outer space) is beginning to take on a new credibility within the scientific community.
The idea of Panspermia is that life was brought to earth on comets over 3.5 billion years ago and evolution did the rest (although some scientist are now questioning Darwins theories).
To add credence to the idea of Panspermia, an event took place in India around 5.30am on 25th July 2001, a meteor or comet fragment exploded in the atmosphere over an area of coastal SW India 450km by 150km, soon after a "Red rain" began to fall across the area where the air burst took place.
It turns out that the red rain contained tiny biological cells but none of the cells appeared to contain DNA, now a scientist who has been studying the Red rain (Dr Godfrey Louis) believes the cells are extra-terrestrial in origin.......So it would seem the Egg did come before the Chicken