Mars Science Labratory__________And the mamoth Curiosity
Set to launch in the fall of 2011. We will be having a new rover heading towards Our favorite red planet. And this baby is big...and heavy, armed with sate of the art instraments and even has a little plutonium on board. check it out, I can't wait.! Man this baby is big... Won't be any sand to get in this mons...
We all have it, We all do it..........Pareidolia.......Apophenia
When doing image analysis, in a field such as ours, YOU MUST, I repeat, YOU MUST take this into account if you consider yourself do be any kind of serious researcher. Apophenia is the experience of seeing meaningful patterns or connections in random or meaningless data.Pareidolia Pareidolia (pron...
Things are hotting up out in space
Planck Observatory Captures first light of the Universe
First pics of faraway planet confirmed
First pics of faraway planet confirmed Astronomers say they have confirmed the first ever direct image of a planet orbiting a Sun-like star. Scientists led by Dr David Lafreniere from the University of Montreal in Canada say the planet, about eight times the size of Jupiter is circling the Star 1RX...
You are small and insignificant.........And yet, U still don't believe in life from another world?
This is not my work, but stumbled across it and thought it would be good for the ppl that have a hard time believing there could be (And Is) life out there. The Universe is so grand....and we are so small...makes ya feel less then a grain of sand on the beach.
National Space policy of The United States of America****As of June 28th
Just came across this and kinda thought it is funny to have a newly revised plan so to speak as there really arn't any big projects in the works yet.... It kinda makes ya wonder if it is a precursor to somthing else possibly....????...??? Anyways....Here it it...check it out. National Space policy of T...
"If true then amazing: If a work of fiction then very well written..." - an excerpt from a comment on AstroEngineer's Blog. A CURIOSITY OF SPIRIT
The Brothers Horten create some Whats.
The Brothers Horten construct some Whats. What ? Chapter I Mr. Arnold meets the Wings. Quoted from http://foia.fbi.fbi.gov/ufo/ufo2.pdf FBI report Incident 4 AF 1208 I. July 1947. June 24th, 1947, tuesday, Mr. Kenneth Arnold, passing Mt. Rainier in an aircraft, in his own words: "...
Metal Rubber. Is this somehow related to Roswell.
I was browsing the wed found this atricle regarding this new material called metal rubber. Well, I started thinking about the Roswell UFO incident and how some of the witness started talking about indestructable, fireproof material from the crash site. Also, when you crumble it, or bend it, it wou...
The General Principles of Reality
Hi everybody, I was going to post that in NoName's thread on free energy, but then decided it deserved it's own thread as this could turn out to be the missing link in uniting Newton's and Einstein's work with modern quantum theory. Scientific discovery with profound implications!- please read [...
Knowing your spirals, elipticals, craters and dunes
Have you ever wondered who decides what type of Galaxies we have in our universe, or who decides the different types of terrain on Mars? Well you now have the chance to decide for yourselves, below are two links that put you in the driving seat of choosing whether a Galaxy is spiral or elliptical and even...