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Post Info TOPIC: Huge city found on Antarctica.

Dedicated to the truth

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RE: Huge city found on Antarctica.

The carvings are not like Mt. Rushmore but a much more sophisticated and interesting montage.

I have circled many of the features to aid recognition.

If the image is made smaller or you move away from your monitor it's possible that may observe some of the 'hidden' features. You may have to concentrate on the image to see them.





"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer

Teaching the truth

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I dont think I can see anything resembling Mt Rushmore on that iceberg, can you?
That is what it would need to be to convince me that some ice carving artist was using our icebergs as raw material for their ice carving contest entry.



Dedicated to the truth

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Are the shapes seen on these icebergs a natural phenomenon or are they artificial?




"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer

Dedicated to the truth

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The view shown here is 90km (56 miles) from the location of the huge city shown at the beginning of this thread.

The image shows Dale Andersen and Chris McKay monitoring the atmospheric methane levels at Lake Untersee in Antarctica in December 2008. They found the methane level to be 1.733ppm.

Quote: "While conducting research in a remote region of Antarctica we monitored the local atmospheric levels of methane. Due to its remoteness, and the absence of any significant local sources, the Untersee Oasis region makes it a good location for obtaining a methane sample representative of the average value for the southern hemisphere."

Wikipedia: "Lake Untersee, also known as Lake Unter-See, is the largest surface freshwater lake in the interior of East Antarctica. It is approximately 6.5?km long and 2.5?km wide and permanently covered with ice with an average thickness of 3.0?m in summer. The lake is dammed by the Anuchin Glacier feeding the lake and has no outlet. Water is only lost through evaporation and ablation of the ice cover."

Please take note of the objects I have arrowed and look carefully to view the anthropological anomalies that can be seen sculpted into the rock surfaces.

I am sure the objects and anomalies have nothing to do with any of the expeditions to Antarctica but everything to do with the undiscovered idigenous population. If you observe carefully you will notice that some of the anthropological shapes are very life-like.

The location of Lake Untersee is:

Lat:   71 20 54.23 S

Long:  13 26 26.02 E




"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer

Dedicated to the truth

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The image shown below is the entrance to the extinct volcano called 'Neptune's Bellows' on Deception Island which is located 107km west of the Antarctic mainland.  

Lat: 62 57 12.52 S       Long: 60 38 00.33 W

There are some interesting anomalies in this view.

Can you spot them?



"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer

Dedicated to the truth

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goggog has found a structure and a large ice sculpture.

Can anyone see the other outstanding features?

Here are two more different views of the same seascape scene shown above.

The first view is a mirror image of the view shown above. Take note of the formation (sculpture) to the upper left. Note the other heads and faces sculpted in the rocks.

The second image is a flipped version which is very revealing. This view highlights some of the findings I have posted and shared in other threads on the forum.

Some of the head features display the unusual cranial protrusion. This observation leads me to believe the anthropomorphic formations were sculpted by life-forms not of this world.

The features showing in the images are quite large and some are more noticeable than others.




"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer

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We never will get an answer by looking at shades of grey and blue. Even some clear image would  not proof anything.
It would be an image, nothing more.

Spinning the wheel of imagination...

cover3 - II.jpg


Teaching the truth

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Dedicated to the truth

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Here is an interesting view of Charlotte's Bay Antarctica.

There are many anomalies showing especially on the rock faces. Note the structures constructed directly on the ice and the rock. Some can also be observed sculpted in the ice.

Check out the shapes seen in the reflections of the scene.



"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer

Dedicated to the truth

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The location reference information is shown at the bottom of the Google Earth screen in each of the main images.

As a matter of interest, the cropped images are selected from the main image.

The main image was resized by times two, then the section of interest was cropped and the resulting image was resized again to the pixel width required. This process helps to maintain a reasonable degree of image clarity for sectional views at the preferred or required pixel width.


"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer

Teaching the truth

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Posts: 1904

Timewarp,  you try to specify those places where it is necessary for us to pay attention especially in pictures


Dedicated to the truth

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qmantoo, I understand exactly what you mean. The problem with the images in Google Earth at this particular location is the resolution of the imaging. What I have produced is the best I can achieve with the image resolution available.

I have carried out a search for some good photographic images of Antarctica and have stumbled across some good quality material which I will post later. Some of this material is ideal as the images show anomalies and features which confirms that the 'polar people' are real as there are representations of their structures and artwork in evidence.

When posting images, my first consideration is for the visitor to the forum. Would they be able to see and comprehend what I can see? The images above contain a wealth of anomalous information, but a degree of concentration is required by the viewer to visually comprehend exactly what is to be observed.

The reason I suggested using a magnifying glass to view the images here is that the pixels are closer together and increasing the size in this manner improves viewing whereas increasing the size by using digital zoom impairs the quality. 

Finding and displaying images that are 'in your face', so to speak, are not always available or easy to find, so one has to display the best possible material even if the resolution is not up to a preferred high standard. 


"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer

Teaching the truth

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Posts: 1921

The problem with these kind of images is that our visitors can only see 'Antacrtic Wastelands' as often it needs a certain kind of skill to see the structures which are not natural.

This means that anyone who has spent time examining photos for 'anomalies' will probably be able to see what you are showing, but anyone who is new to this whole subject (or who does not necessarily believe there are aliens) will not be able to see the structures.

Put yourself in a non-believers position or in a new-to-the-idea-of-aliens person's position and you will find that the images you post are often difficult for them to look at and say "Hmm, yes I can see that". They will more likely shake their head and say "It just looks like normal cold barren wastes to me".

I know what you are showing because I have an 'eye' for these things now, but if we want to convince others, our evidence should be really IN YOUR FACE evidence and evidence which cannot be denied. That is what we all try to show and what new visitors come here looking for. smile.gif



Dedicated to the truth

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qmantoo, If you look at the main black and white image shown above with a magnifyer the detail is very revealing. It would also appear that there is plenty of fresh water in this area as many melt-water pools are apparent. Also, notice that there does not seem to be any sign of ice or snow showing in the images.

The majority of the structures would appear to be constructed using a white material which makes for a suitable camouflage. I believe that the 'polar people' resident on Antarctica are the descendants of visitors from our sister planet and from previous research I have always maintained that Martians are brilliant masters of deception and what can be observed in these images is no exception. Where there are large-scale developments their structures always seem to be aligned to the natural land formations . 

When looking for structures and structural detail, please take note of the 'eye altitude' value shown in the lower right-hand section of the Google Earth screen when making approximations of size.

Here are two more selected images taken from the same area.




"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer

Teaching the truth

Status: Offline
Posts: 1921

For some reason my browser or my location has problems showing pictures from photobucket, however, I did use a proxy to see them.

Are these cities on the surface or are they beneath the ice?
Glaciers have many ridges and wrinkles where the ice has packed up against itself and one part does not move so quickly as another part, forming more wrinkles and ridges. This is a natural part of ice river formations. Scientists would likely point to this as an explanation of the ridges etc.

However, having said that, there is, in the first picture at least, a winding track or road with parts of it having straight sides and it looks to me as if it is definitely something which would need explaining officially. It is a feature which stretches back from lower left to the centre of the top of the frame. 

I too believe that aliens are here and are living in remote out-of-the-way areas and particularly since they probably have biology which is different from ours, they can survive in areas that humans cannot. They may be cold-blooded like reptiles for example. I have seen other photos of remote areas where there is definite activity or evidence of present communities which would be unlikely to be human or military 'bases'. Such as near mountain tops and in the middle of a mountain range. 

Now what we need to do, is to find other photos of the same areas. Perhaps start with other websites showing out-of-the-way places, find a city or alien community and then "prove" it with Google Earth - rather than the other way around.

All I am saying is that it is easier to find in Google Earth, so that should be your confirmation of communities found first at other websites in other photographs.

Is there an 'ask a polar scientist' website? smile.gif



Dedicated to the truth

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Posts: 1099

In a book with the title "Britain's Secret War in Antarctica" by James Robert, reference is made to a hominid being which was called 'Polar man'. A hominid being was discovered by a small and covert British military-scientific mission at the end of 1945. The mission was to seek out and destroy what was thought to be, at the time, an underground nazi base.

There is the possibility that what the military stumbled across was not a nazi base at all but an underground facility constructed by the indigenous population. These beings were said to be more hairy than humans but had a human appearance which closely resembled 'cowie's' or the 'bigfoot'.

Many expeditions have explored tiny parts of the continent, yet nothing has been found like the features seen in the images below. If one studies the the satellite images of Antarctica closely there are many interesting features to be discovered.

Shown below are six images which I am near 100% sure is a huge city and is probably one of the domains of the species referred to in the book as 'Polar man'.

Please examine closely as there are many features to observe.







Image courtesy of Google Earth.


"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer

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