The top image of your last post looks like a couple of beings standing behind a gun of some kind. Could that be what it is, do you think? They look like the Critters (horror film of the same name)
Goggog, вы публикуете много интересных образов.Меня беспокоит, что они теряются в столь многих вместе.Будете ли вы рассматривать размещать их по отдельности, так участники могут прокомментировать?
How I have understood, you suggest to open a new theme under each new image? My opinion: thus there will be too much an unnecessary dust. I offer-let participants open under those my images which are interesting to them. So we will get rid of excessive dust. Well as my offer?
Как я понял,вы предлагаете по каждому новому изображению открывать новую тему? Моё мнение: таким образом будет слишком много ненужного мусора. Я предлагаю-пусть участники открывают по тем моим изображениям,которые им интересны. Так мы избавимся от излишнего мусора. Ну как моё предложение?
Goggog, you are posting many interesting images. I am worried that they are being lost in so many together. Will you consider to post them seperately so members can comment ?
Interesting post Gogogo... Had a look at the image in ur post that caught my eye. The greem timges are enhanced from original image .. so maybe hints of chloroplast? I could swear i saw some signs of rover tracks around the site.. looks like it ran through what was there before. seems to cover a wide area.
There are some good holes and burrows and possible animals looking out so I wonder if they should be posted in the Animals/alien burrows, homes, shelters etc thread as well as this one? They may get lost and classification is important if others are to find related posts in the future.
Pleased to see rock on the planet Mars that has both erode and suffered continual temperature fluctuations. This is most likely basalt I based this conclusion on its texture and how it split. The problem however is that we can not figure out the grain size of the rock due to various causes.
Пород, цепляться к склонам.Кто-нибудь может сказать мне, почему черный камень в левом верхнем углу с голубоватой оболочкой отказывается катиться вниз по склону?